Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fun Fun Weekend!

The highlight of my weekend was Cher's birthday celebration, oh my gosh, how much fun that was! Saturday night we headed to a BYOB private pole dancing session of 1 1/2 hrs for us girls and it was awesome, on top of a nice  workout! We had tons of fun dropping it like is hot and boy can I feel it today. After we headed to a PTC restaurant for dinner and drinks, where I carbed up for my 10 miler today and then Tavern on 74 for some dancing!

After getting home almost at 1 a.m. obviously I wasn't thrilled about waking up early this morning to go for a run but since I was a slacker this week it had to be done! I was sore from last night's class and dancing, and of course just tired due to the lack of sleep and alcohol intake (didn't drink too much but still). I met my friend Lacy at the PTC library and we started running together until I HAD to slow down and then she kept running and looping around me to make sure I wasn't dying, lol! And yes, she is that fast so while I ran 10 miles she probably did like 12 or 13, amazing! Love this girl :D

Though I was extremely tired throughout the run it feels so good to have done it so I am happy and feel accomplished. There was a lesson to learn though, I need to step up my game on millage during the week so these "long runs" on the weekends don't feel so hard. Soon these long runs will become longer so I can get in MARATHON mindset. Marathon training doesn't start yet, but if I prepare early it won't be so hard when the weather gets warmer.

That's about it for now!

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