Thursday, November 17, 2011

Georgian all the way...

Today it finally happened, I am officially Georgian all the way. A few months ago I got my Georgia drivers license and that was one of the steps but today I picked up my Georgia License Tag, I had been procrastinating on this one and it is amazing that it took me almost a year to go all the way, geez!

I think I was in denial for a long time, but today, while I parked in downtown Newnan and it took me literally less than 15 minutes going to get my tag, I was actually glad to live here. I stopped on my way out and took a look at the little family owned shops, the Christmas lights up and the very vintage look and I began to appreciate the beauty of this town. Maybe I need to stop complaining about it and just walk these streets more often, get in touch with what this cute little town has to offer, make it an adventure, go out and EXPLORE!
I think lately I have forgotten to be grateful for the good things we always take for granted and I need to start the exercise of acknowledging these again on a daily basis. Not everything is bad and actually there is a ton of good... I am happier than what anyone would think and all things are finally falling into place! Let's end this year full of positives and make 2012 a way more awesome one!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back to blogging

I know, I know... I've been pretty quiet which usually translates to busy. Yes, it's been pretty busy with tons of great things happening. I finally became a full time employee with benefits - which I haven't had in FOREVER!!! Lease is about to expire and been looking to move closer to Atlanta since I've been up there a ton. And I discovered a new activity that is taking a lot of my free time now. 

My latest love is the SILKS! It's a form or aerial acrobatics like rope, trapeze, etc. but to me the most beautiful of all. It's quite a workout and very rewarding, I've had just a few classes but I'm already hooked.

Here are some pics so you can see what I'm talking about =)

Arabesque Back

Arabesque Forward


Can't rememer what this is called


Pigeon? Not sure, lol




Can't remember the name of this but below 
I am not using my hands and it's freaking difficult!

Well, that's it for now... Until next time :)