Friday, May 11, 2012

It's official

So I've been dying to share this but I had been waiting for background check, references and drug test to clear... Not that I had any doubts that it wouldn't but I just wanted the green light to be official. I have an awesome new job! I start May 29th and it's a great career move.

I am so excited about this, I will be working for a great Fortune 500 company doing what I've been doing at Triumph x 10 only that with a whole team in place, processes, a lot more organized and most importantly growth opportunities. Can't wait to take my career to a whole new level and become better and better at this.

This is the reason that I am finally moving to the city! My commute won't be too bad, about 30 min and the timing for this couldn't be better as my munchkin will be going to her dad's and I can take care of the move while she's away.

She will come back to our new place, a pretty pink room, a huge backyard in the coolest neighborhood in Atlanta and an awesome new school. There are kids everywhere and it's just such an amazing area! I can't be happier.

This weekend I am meeting with my future Landlord and talking about the final details of our lease! My neighbors are into gardening and we have a raised bed with tomatoes, basil, parsley and lettuce and who knows what else. There is also a compost box, and I am planning on adding some berries, cucumbers, kale and whatever else I can get to grow... Oh I can already see me going to my garden and picking up veggies to make juicy, healthy salads!!!

Well, I guess that's it for now... I won't be moving until July 1st so don't expect any pictures sooner than that. I am though looking at color palettes for my new place, trying to figure out bedroom decor and more! I will be posting pics of that for sure. Oh and my BF is only 2.5 miles away from my new place! Woot Woot! Can't wait to get to hang during the week, watch movies and cook dinner for him :D

That's it for now!