Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It's been a while...

So I was sick with a cold for a couple of weeks which meant not running much and missing the Tybee Half Marathon. After a massive cold and a stomach bug I was just not in the best shape for a half so I decided to stay home and go for shorter runs to get back to it.

I had stopped running for 2 weeks to recover and boy did I feel it. The weekend of the half was my first attempt to run after a 2 week break and I was so glad I stayed. I went out to PTC to hit 8 miles and guess what, 4 was the most I was able to get in! The next day went back and did 6 but felt crappy and my runner's ego was shattered in tiny little pieces.

I easily freak out when things  like this happen, it's been such a struggle to bee consistently out there and it freaks me out whenever I stop because I fear so much to lose endurance or break my routine/motivation and not get it back.

Last weekend I did 12 miles, and even though I felt like I was dying I did it and accomplished the distance I was planning on logging in. The pace? not so great... but I'll take it! I still have a left over annoying cough and I am definitely not 100%

This upcoming weekend I am planning on running the February Half that I missed... hopefully it will go well and if not, even with a slow pace I will get some BLING!

Many other things are happening... Not running related and all great so I've been busy and excited :) Hopefully I will be writing about it soon but for now I won't blog about it, they deserve a whole post alone!