Thursday, May 17, 2012


So last night I signed the lease! The place is mine and I am thrilled. So that triggered my head to spin, anyone that knows me a little knows that I LOVE to decorate and make a house a HOME with little touches that resemble my taste as well as PAINT! LOTS OF IT!

Because of that I tossed and turned plenty last night thinking of color palettes and such... How to arrange my furniture and what do I need to decorate the empty walls. So after failed attempts to relax and go back to sleep I jumped into pinterest to look for inspiration.

Isn't that the cutest house? While talking to my landlord she expressed she doesn't like people painting the walls. Uh Oh... I cannot live under white plain walls! So we compromised on neutral palettes even for Sophia's room and she will need to approve them and select the paint which I'm fine with.

My room I'm thinking WHITE, a bright and plain WHITE! all white with white linens and silver accents all over. I am debating between a vintage iron white headboard and my all time favorite Pier 1 silver headboard. The good thing about going with something like this is that if I get tired of the look I can accent with pillows and throws and change the color/look very easily.

For Sophia's room I am thinking a white with a hint of pink and just keep her old bedding from Pottery Barn Kids which is still gorgeous and maybe get her the duvet cover that goes with the set if they still have it.

This pic I grabbed from the craigaslist ad, much better than the one I took with my iPhone and obviously furniture will change. I do not like that beige yellowish color so I will paint either white or whatever else I can get my landlord to approve. The TV will be mounted and there is this really cool wall across from the window behind the couch where I'm planning to put vintage frames with family pictures. I need something for the wall across from the TV, I'm thinking a big mirror hanging above the couch. 

Then there is the dinning room, I want a new one or at least new chairs. I won't be able to get that right away but eventually I will get the one I like from IKEA. Or maybe I can even budget the one from Z Gallery I like $$$ with a nice area rug for it.

The kitchen is pretty spacey, I might try to change the door knobs but that's about all I can do there, I guess I can live with that :) I'll look for accents and make it cute and charming. It has tons of space! I am grateful about that, and lots of cabinets to keep everything in order. There is actually a lot more counter space on the other side of the kitchen, it's just not shown in the pic.

The bathroom is typical of an old house and I am not thrilled about it but guess what... Nothing is perfection and I am willing to compromise the bathroom to live in that area. Again I will make it charming and cozy.

The backyard needs some work, and I am happy to take care of that. Sophia is thrilled that even though we are moving into the city we are not losing the perks of living in a house. You can't see it here but in the yard they actually have a raised bed with tomatoes and other stuff and a compost box as well. I will add another one for my kale, greens and other beloved veggies so a lot of my time will be spent in the yard, gardening and growing yummy fresh veggies!

Down the street there is a park with a playground, tennis and basketball courts and even a swimming pool. We saw lots of kids last night and people are just so friendly. There is tons of cycling and running too, there are paths for runners and the place where I do silks is walking distance too. I am also starting Crossfit next Wednesday and that is right down the street as well.

Long story short... Yes, I will have to commute to work but after I come home and park my car I can walk EVERYWHERE and that I cannot be happier about! My last picture is of the Fellini's Pizza around the corner... Can I say YUM? Best pizza place in Atlanta!

With that I'll leave you because it's lunch time and this pizza made me hungry! The message is I guess that with hard work and patience life always gets back on track. And most importantly, no matter how crazy and out of order things look... God Has A Plan For You! And that plan sometimes is not our plan so he needs to de-rail us from our stubborn ways and gets us right where we are meant to be.

Love always,


Friday, May 11, 2012

It's official

So I've been dying to share this but I had been waiting for background check, references and drug test to clear... Not that I had any doubts that it wouldn't but I just wanted the green light to be official. I have an awesome new job! I start May 29th and it's a great career move.

I am so excited about this, I will be working for a great Fortune 500 company doing what I've been doing at Triumph x 10 only that with a whole team in place, processes, a lot more organized and most importantly growth opportunities. Can't wait to take my career to a whole new level and become better and better at this.

This is the reason that I am finally moving to the city! My commute won't be too bad, about 30 min and the timing for this couldn't be better as my munchkin will be going to her dad's and I can take care of the move while she's away.

She will come back to our new place, a pretty pink room, a huge backyard in the coolest neighborhood in Atlanta and an awesome new school. There are kids everywhere and it's just such an amazing area! I can't be happier.

This weekend I am meeting with my future Landlord and talking about the final details of our lease! My neighbors are into gardening and we have a raised bed with tomatoes, basil, parsley and lettuce and who knows what else. There is also a compost box, and I am planning on adding some berries, cucumbers, kale and whatever else I can get to grow... Oh I can already see me going to my garden and picking up veggies to make juicy, healthy salads!!!

Well, I guess that's it for now... I won't be moving until July 1st so don't expect any pictures sooner than that. I am though looking at color palettes for my new place, trying to figure out bedroom decor and more! I will be posting pics of that for sure. Oh and my BF is only 2.5 miles away from my new place! Woot Woot! Can't wait to get to hang during the week, watch movies and cook dinner for him :D

That's it for now!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The move!

I am writing this on the iPad so excuse the post if it looks weird (I will fix it tomorrow from my computer). I am extremely excited and had to share! I am finally moving to the city, something I have been wanting to do for quite some time now. As I've always said I'd rather commute to work and love where I live than live in the burbs! My commute will be about 45 min to 1 hour but let me tell you... It will be well worth it! 

I am planning to move to one of my favorite Atlanta neighborhoods, I can walk to restaurants, little shops, park, there is a running/cycling trail, the place where I do silks... I mean what else can I ask for? I am so super excited! Sophia is going to love it! Family neighborhood, a great school, farmers market, tons of like minded people! I just can't wait :) I will go check more about the area this weekend and will take some pics to post. I want to check the school too at some point and check out drop off and pick up times. I just can't help to be excited about how life is just falling into place in every aspect. I am so blessed! 

It took a while to get here but through hard work, discipline and braking patterns and bad habits I am becoming a better me and life just gets brighter and brighter. I have made major accomplishments financially, personally and professionally. Who would have thought a year and a half ago that life would be so great now! Out of financial trouble, out of rushing into relationships, out of crappy jobs with horrible pay, out of toxicity and deep into happiness! Today I truly thank god for unanswered prayers, packing and going that December was honestly the best thing that could have ever happened to me. 

I am happier, healthier physically and emotionally, more independent and responsible! With a great new career and an ocean of opportunities. I am so proud of what I've accomplished! I should stop bragging now but I can't help it, I am happy and life is great!