I just have to say I have a smile from ear to ear... Today was date number 4 with "L" or 5 if you count Sophia's 1st flight as a date (which I don't) and to say AMAZING would be an understatement! Pilot boy exceeded my expectations and I am extremely impressed.
The date couldn't be more perfect... I got to his place and he had all these veggies that he had hand picked for our dinner from his organic garden - yes, he has an organic garden with his neighbor on an acre right on his property - him and his neighbor take care of it and I tasted the crunchiest and tastiest snap peas EVER. He had picked baby potatoes, onions, rosemary, mint (for the tea - yes tea!), broccoli, turnip greens, some sort of lettuce that seemed more like a dark green leaf and I am sure I am missing something else.
He brewed tea for us to drink all night with fresh honey from his friend's honey bee's. He made an awesome salad, cooked the turnip greens, the potatoes and chicken in the grill. Everything was so amazing, and we watched a movie... You want to guess? TOP GUN! It was so perfect! Mr. Pilot was just so in his element and I was totally loving it.
He had a big smile on his face all trough the night and he so enjoyed cooking for me... He was so excited! His house was in perfect order, clean and everything in place... Huge kitchen with tons of counter space and a deck in the back where the Big Green Egg matched perfectly.
We watched Top Gun while eating and he was just so sweet, the smile on his face just melted me and I had so much fun. When it was time to go "L" was nervous and the anticipation was killing me, I could see it coming... he finally made a move! Great kisser, my first kiss in a LONG time but totally worth the wait =)
Now it's time to go to bed as I have work tomorrow and I know I will pay for this late night... But as I lay in my bed while blogging this post I have a smile on my face that will last for a while because I am finally feeling butterflies again!
Night Night!
Until next post...
Sounds like a great date, I'm so very happy for you! :)