I just have to say I've just been kicking ass at work. My project is taking off and I am finally able to show results. When customizing a CRM system on the initial phase no matter how hard you work it's hard for users to see what you have been doing. The good thing is that that phase is partially over and migration of data has began, the cool thing is that now everyone gets to see how cool and simple I made life for them!
I've been working on reporting and dashboards the past couple of days and let me tell ya... Those little graphics get the execs going, I am looking like a super hero and I love every second of it. This is just phase one of the project and there is a ton more to do but I am happy that they are pleased with the results even though this is a system that I had not worked on in so many years.
I feel very accomplished and that just makes me happy. On the other end I have been running and cycling and gotta start swimming. I think I am going to sign up for my first triathlon, it is around here in mid August and it's supposed to be really cool. Life is really coming around and things are just stabilizing, I am just waiting for this job to become permanent, that would be an absolute blessing.
On the dating arena, well, nothing yet... Tons of prospects so I am trying to narrow down the list, lol! Great dates and there a few guys that stand out the crowd, I am getting to the selection phase as I can only keep the "getting intimate" out of the equation for so long so I might have to pick soon and there is a guy that I have in mind when it comes to picking a winner.
Could it be that soon I will be in a relationship, oh lord! I have mixed feelings about that and I really don't want to push it, the problem is that it's kinda happening so we shall see.
Well, that is all for now!
Until next post.