No one can dance your dance, no one can sing your song, and no one can write your story.
If we are made on God's image, we are nothing less than perfect, we just have to believe it. Do you realize what this means? Everything that you set your mind to you can create and make happen, there are no impossibles, and the only difference between a dream and reality is YOU believing and intending to materialize it.
We are raised in a world of impossibles that only limit ourselves through our mind, they make us believe that we can't. Teach yourself to re-program your mind, wake up every morning and realize you are perfect and work towards being the best you can be. Focus on what you want to achieve and be grateful for what you have, and you will see how soon things will just start happening.
I am so grateful for life's blessings and can't wait to see the new gifts that God will send me!