So I am very excited to say that I feel I am getting back on track, I have joined the gym with my awesome boyfriend and we are loving it. Last week I worked out 3 days, not all running but I did exercise. Tuesday and Thursday I did Hot Vinyasa which I used to do very often a few years ago and let me tell you, boy I was sore! I lost track of the amount of Downward Dogs and Chaturanga Dandasanas that I did and all this at 105 degrees, oh the cleansing! And Saturday I just ran in the treadmill on my new gym. Can I tell you how much I enjoy going to the gym? I don't know at what point I forgot how awesome I feel after I run or finish a workout and head to the lockers to get in the steam room, 10 min of peace and quiet, breathing hot steam and getting rid of toxins can do wonders!
And as far as this week goes, I have gone to the gym every day so far, but I guess its only Wednesday. Yesterday I actually hit the pool which was interesting, after a 30 minute run I jumped in the pool for a 30 minute swim and let me say it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I was so afraid of looking like a fool next to all those experienced swimmers, but I guess once you get into it you really don't care and its you, the water and your lonely self.
Now I am going to start working more on the food so the pounds can start shedding away, I can't wait to get on the scale in a few weeks and see the difference. I just feel an instant relief after working out, it completely switches my mindset and some how cuts my cravings and makes me want to eat healthier and care more about what I put into my body. I am so happy I am craving the gym and craving a healthier lifestyle, all of the sudden all this work just feels easy and instead of "work" it just feels like the highlight of my day.
Can't wait to tell you more tomorrow =)