Friday, April 26, 2013

Oh Sunny Florida!

Well people... I'm back in sunny Florida! Sunny indeed. This time around in much different terms. Great new job, sweet sweet place at the beach and a lot more freedom because of shared custody with Michael. In other words, life is pretty sweet!

I never thought I would say this when returning to Florida because most people that know me know I'm not a fan, but this time around I'm near the ocean and not the swamp and it seems to be making all the difference! My runs are along the beach, Crossfit has beach WODs and well, my place is SICK!

My job is super awesome, still but just so much more flexibility. This company is truly ran as a technology company and working remotely is available without any issues. I live walking distance from the beach and Las Olas and the place is ridiculously amazing. I keep bragging about my balcony but people, IT'S THAT COOL! I have a balcony with lounge furniture in my room, when I work home I lay in the sun in the balcony in my bikini YOU CAN'T TOP THAT!

So now that we established the fact that I love where I live I can move on... Sophia is so happy to have Mommy & Daddy around, she is loving the change.

T came to visit from Atlanta and he is staying with me until Monday so we have awesome plans for the weekend, all chill and romantic! Tomorrow we are scheduled for a Sunset Paddle Boarding Tour on the Intercoastal and of course early morning Crossfit everyday! God I love a man that can lift! Dreamy :)

The rest will be all balcony, wine and home cooked paleo meals... Gotta love a Crossfit couple, the good thing? we are perfectly beach body ready!

That's all!